Optional NPCs and Settings


You will notice that some of these NPCs are unlikely to be encountered unless players find themselves way off course from the ongoing storyline. Or maybe you'll find a way to fit one or two of them into an adventure of your own creation. It's entirely possible that all of them could hang out after hours at Lucky's Bar & Grill. What mischief they get up to there is in your hands. 

Every RPG must have a setting. Our setting is the grand ol' city of Patriot Springs, founded in 1776 by pioneers traveling from the original 13 Colonies, where the atmosphere following the American Revolution was rather hostile to colonists loyal to the Crown. It's a lovely patriotic city now whose primary exports are firearms and tobacco. There's a huge festival every Spring known as The Gathering of the Gubernatorial Gooseberries. It's tremendous. Just fantastic. The best gooseberries in the nation. You ask anyone and they'll tell you. Just topnotch quality. The best. 

There are a few offices of government you need to know about, and the people in those offices, as well as a few places around Downtown. 

Office of the Mayor

The Mayor of Patriot Springs is Donald Donaldson, whose real name is Donald DeNiro, a nephew of Hollywood actor Robert DeNiro. He imagines himself a Scarface type. A real family man with a daughter (Gina) whom he adores. His mistress, Donna DeLuxe, formerly worked at Lucky's Bar & Grill and went by the name of Hannah. 

Mayor Donaldson

Injury: 2

CP: 5

EP: 10

Description: short, pudgy and bald, wears a silk robe that doesn't seem to close, revealing a plump hairy stomach. 

Personality: Abrasive and pushy, he has a hard time making friends. But the ladies love him, or so he thinks. 

History: The child of a Junk Dealer, he dug himself out of the trash heap when he borrowed money from his uncle "Bobby D."

Motivation: money is power. 

Voice: Gruff and masculine.

Gina Donaldson

Injury: 1, Emotional Damage: 200

CP: 3

EP: 8

Description: attractive young Italian-American teen girl, she only wears the trendiest styles. 

Personality: entitled and self-serving. Always streaming her face into her cell for her followers. 

History: When she was 9 she started her first TikTok. She only does YouTube to reach my followers for her TikToks. 

Motivation: it's all about the likes and followers. 

Voice: entitled YouTuber. 

The Mayor's Aide is Daryll. He enjoys a drink every now and then at Lucky's. Sometimes, after he's had a few, he might talk a little too much. 


Injury: 4

CP: 5

EP: 9

Description: He is a small man, but exceptionally fit. He typically wears blue suits.

Personality: He will rave to anyone who will listen… when he has had a few. 

History: He knows his nephew is from a royal line that had remained secret since before the founding of the original Colonies, but promised not to tell anyone. So far, no-one knows but him.

Motivation: Regain custody of his daughter; and he'd like to take the Mayor down a peg

Voice: quiet, until he is liquored up. 

Metro Council

There are 26 City Council Members who represent the Districts. Not a single one of them can agree on whether or not to pay for a professional sports team, but they all agree that gooseberry pie can only be mastered by grandmothers. And grandmothers will only give up the perfect recipe on their deathbeds. 

The Downtown district is represented by Lydia Murphy, who is the longest sitting Council Member and has no intention of relinquishing her post. Retired Special Forces Lieutenant, Black Ops, Murphy was nicknamed Robo-Cop by her superiors, whom she may have taken out. 

Lydia Murphy

Injury: 20

CP: 45

EP: 500

Description: Relatively heavier built than your average woman, she is imposing. She has brown hair. Her voice is smooth and creepy, always level, but somehow just slightly unnerving.

Personality: She is quiet and unassuming. She ignores others and carries on with her job unassumingly. She is used to getting what she wants. In part because she is a meticulous planner.

History: She was born the only child of a congressman but she found her way into the Army with a few individuals who would become her life-long companions. She outlived them all. 

Motivation: To eradicate anyone she sees as competition. 

Voice: low toned.

Patriot Springs Free Public Library

There are any number of reasons you may need to visit the library, and not just the free wi-fi and "private screens" on the computers. History is a good reason to visit. Shuffling through public records is another. Also, after closing time the main branch Downtown attracts all the best lowlifes looking for their next fix. 

The Chief Librarian is Ingrid Willoughby. While she may appear unassuming, non-threatening, demure and lithe in public, behind closed doors Miss Willoughby hides a well-guarded secret. What secret? Who said anything about a secret? 

Miss Willoughby

Injury: 3

CP: 4

EP: 10

Description: This woman stands a little under 4'9'' and is a bit bulky. She is very muscular, particularly in the legs.

Personality: Stoic and calm. 

History: Born in the south her family was never financially stable. She has had some formal dancing training, and achieved minor success.

Motivation: Obtaining odd cultural artifacts is her passion. It used to be books when she was young. 

Voice: Pronounces O like U.

Regional Airport Authority

Founded in 1928, the Patriot Springs Regional Airport Authority (PSRAA) is an autonomous municipal corporation established by Chapter 77 of the 1928 Public Acts for the Commonwealth of Patriot Springs. Under the provisions of Patriot Springs Revised Statutes Chapter 183, the PSRAA is responsible for the establishment, ownership, operation, development, and promotion of airport and air navigation facilities within the Patriot Springs Metropolitan Area.

The Authority is overseen by an eleven-member Board of Directors which is responsible for the creation and enforcement of the policy and budget of the Authority and the airports under its jurisdiction. Additionally, the Board is tasked with the hiring of the Executive Director. The current sitting Director is Harold Greenspan, who hasn't slept since taking the position and will probably die from an acute case of Hyper-Exhaustive Career Anxiety. 

Harold Greenspan 

Injury: -2

CP: 1

EP: 10

Description: He is lean but muscular and is well dressed, constantly wearing a green suit, tan shirt, and disheveled tie. 

Personality: He is anxious. He also makes a point to compliment his superiors and flatter them. 

History: He was born a particularly ugly child, much to the horror of his parents. He remains optimistic that the end of his tenure is in sight. 

Motivation: Retirement and/or the sweet release of death. 

Voice: Speaks fast with a slight lisp.


The Transit Authority of Patriot Springs (which markets itself under the name TAPS) operates as a legal "Transit Authority", better known as "Public Transportation". TAPS is administered by an eight-member Board of Directors overseen by Chairman Benjamin Ferguson, who is strict on issues of time-management and has no tolerance for tardiness, especially where it concerns time-sensitive schedules. 

Chairman Ferguson

Injury: 4, 8 when running behind 

CP: 5

EP: 10 

Description: Standing 6'4", this man is wearing a tight tan one piece outfit. His silver hair is matted, messy, and big. His hazel eyes are desperate and heavily dilated.

Personality: He is intelligent and cunning, but he will too often allow his rage to get the better of him. 

History: He was born the only child of wealthy parents. While studying, he fell in love. They married and had a son. He now has a substantial network of resources. 

Motivation: Wishes to resurrect an old love; and he feels threatened by others.

Voice: Posh accent.

Patriot Springs Metropolitan Police Department

The Patriot Springs Metro Police Department has been headed by Jacquelyn Morris since January 02, 2023. PSMPD divides the city into eight patrol divisions and operates a number of special investigative and support units. The PSMPD is currently under investigation from the United States Department of Justice to assess whether they engaged in a pattern of civil rights abuses. You probably saw that on TV, although the City Council really hopes you didn't. 

The original Police Department of Patriot Springs was founded on a lark after the Mayor watched the 1912 silent film "The Robber and the Copper" starring the Cornerstone Cops. He bemused a crowd at the annual Gathering of the Gubernatorial Gooseberries Festival when he stated, "It's a shame our fair city has no crime the Cornerstone Cops could protect its citizens from." Shortly thereafter the Police Department was established, working out of the Downtown Firehouse. 

Jacquelyn Morris

Injury: 10

CP: 10 

EP: 20

Description: A well shaped woman just over fifty, she is typically in her uniform. She has a dull look in her eyes.

Personality: Prone to second guessing herself, she comes off as nervous. She lacks restraint and is impulsive. She jumps in and acts without thinking all too often.

History: She was born to a pair of big game hunters, but was frequently ill as a child. She later attended a prestigious law-enforcement college.  

Motivation: She's in love; and further expansion of her career.

Voice: Scratchy, strong.

Officer Perkins is assigned the Downtown Patrol Division as its Chief Supervisor.

Officer Perkins

Injury: 3

CP: 5

EP: 15 

Description: A well shaped African-American man just over fifty, he wears his uniform with pride.

Personality: He loves justice and goodness and right action. Anyone who does not fulfill this criteria perfectly will no doubt get a lecture from him.

History: Born to a Detective, his father struggled to pay the bills. He was promoted to Detective but got bored and took the position offered to him in the Patrol Division. He eventually got the idea of being the protector of Downtown from reading books, and has made it his duty.

Motivation: He loathes law-breakers.

Voice: Puts emphasis on the wrong words.

Patriot Springs Fire & Rescue 

The Patriot Springs Fire Department is the third oldest all-paid staff fire department in the nation. The first fire brigades established in Patriot Springs were in 1778, two years after the city's establishment. The first firehouses in Patriot Springs were volunteer fire departments scattered throughout the city until June 1, 1858, when the city took control and replaced the hand engines with five steam engines and volunteers with paid staff. There were initially three fire stations, 65 full-time firefighters, and 23 horses. The current Fire Chief is Randal Cunningham. A veteran of several decades, Chief Cunningham no longer "fights fires" when on-call but relegates the responsibilities to lower ranks. He no longer climbs stairs or runs, or sits in swings, or takes baths. 

Chief Cunningham

Injury: 1

CP: 3

EP: 5

Description: This middle-aged man wears a tattered pair of loose yellow pants, a matching torn shirt, and a visible pair of similar condition same color briefs, and a wedding ring on his right hand. His hair is greying and his face has many wrinkles. His fierce gray eyes like to dwell on things.

Personality: Confrontational and typically drunk.

History: A child with a great deal of singing talent, his parents made sure he got the chance to thrive. He wasted his youth. He has become an alcoholic.

Motivation: He feels that his past leaves him morally obligated to help.

Voice: Rhymes sentences.

Water Works

The Patriot Springs Water Company has been in operation since 1860 and also operates the Public Sewage System. First known as "The Water Works", the company served water to 512 customers. Water delivery began on 6 October 1860. The Patriot Springs Water Company provides water to the more than 800,000 residents in the city. Within the water-cleaning complex, 200 water quality tests are operated daily. The original Water Tower and pumping station have been preserved and are listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 1971. 

The CEO is a publicly divisive figure with his hands in several local businesses and government offices and agencies. Clyde Fischer was once Mayor of Patriot Springs and left office after a scandalous affair with an undisclosed public official. He is a rich man but not very well liked. 

Clyde Fischer

Injury: 3

CP: 5

EP: 10

Description: He stands about 6'2" and likes to wear expensive suits typically of a light tan color in addition to tight pants. His hair is cut close to his head. He has blue eyes.

Personality: He likes to make people angry or surprised. He has the money to obtain near anything and knows that if you pay a man enough he will sell his own mother. Money is his most trusted friend.

History: He comes from a rich southern family. He has had some formal business training and achieved minor success.

Motivation: He seems to be bored by most things; and he has money and likes to spend it

Voice: Jittery and nervous.

Essential Downtown Businesses

Jett's Eatery 

While there are many restaurants in the Downtown area the number one after hours hotspot is Jett's. It features large outdoor sporting courts and an indoor parking garage, along with an Italian menu with a wide selection of both traditional and fusion plate items. 

Jett's was started in the 80s as a pizzeria by Dominic Boiardi whose nickname was Jett due to his Jet black hair. His daughter Francesca, who studied in Paris as a gourmet chef, has since taken over and transformed her Papa's business into a desirable destination location by people from all over the globe. She still honors her Papa with his longtime slogan, "You betta steppa you feetsa to Papa Jett's Pizza" above the main bar. 

Francesca Boiardi 

Injury: 6

CP: 8

EP: 15

Description: A 5'7" slender and beautiful woman with long black hair. 

Personality: She shows great appreciation to all her customers. She will buy them drinks and listen to their stories. On top of that she is swayed by a pretty face, and while loyalty to her family will always come first she doesn't mind entertaining the competition. 

History: Gifted from a young age for making the best dough her Papa ever tasted, Francesca spent much of her young adult life studying in Paris to become a gourmet chef. When her Papa suffered a stroke she returned home and soon took over the family business. 

Motivation: prestige, local and global celebrity. 

Voice: Soft but strong.  

Dandy's Handy General Store

"A good handyman will always be in need, no matter what your need happens to be." That's what Chandler Chesterfield always says. And at Dandy's you can find a full assortment of supplies for your general needs, from warehouse to convenience store items. While you're there, ask Mr. Chesterfield if he can set you up with a plumber, or a gunsmith, or a carpenter, or a lawyer. Why, he knows just about everyone. 

Chandler Chesterfield

Injury: 8

CP: 10

EP: 45

Description: He is lean but muscular and wears coveralls. His gray eyes show the wear and tear of someone lonely with a great burden to carry.

Personality: He is filled with cunning. He likes to feign weakness letting people think he is weak. He is afraid of women and trembles around them.

History: He worked as a nervous Bricklayer and found it very stressful. 

Motivation: Wants his loneliness to end; and sabotage a competitor. 

Voice:  Heavy. 

Cockburn’s Distillery & Firearms Bazaar

“Y’all come on down and fill up on yer drinkin’ and yer ammo. We’ve got more alcohol per volume than Sam Adams and more bullets than the United States military. Yessir, City Council tried shuttin’ us down, talkin’ ‘bout some hairbrained snowflake citizens’ rights to reasonable protection in a gun-free school zone. But with all this talk ‘bout monsters and illegal aliens we’re back in business for the public’s right to protect itself from unreasonable hometown invasions. You got monsters in yer backyard? Shoot ‘em in the head. Neighbors lookin’ at ya sideways? Shoot ‘em in the head. Heck, they might be one of them peapod peoples tryna clone you. Wife talkin’ back at ya? Shoot her in the head. She’s a zombie and she wanna eat yer brains. You’ve got rights and we’ve got what ya need. And right now we’re runnin’ a special on high velocity artillery. Buy two shells and get one fifth of Kentucky Bourbon free. Now ain’t no better deal than that right there. And while you have a look around at our large collection of swords and knives the little ones will have all sorts of fun at the archery range. Heck, we got axes they can throw downrage. So come on down to Cockburn’s Distillery & Firearms Bazaar. Ain’t no bazaar more bizarre than this bazaar. 

Unknown Proprietor (?)


Fix-A-Car Automotive Repairs

There's a jingle for the shop with lively music: "Call 1-800-Fix-A-Car, add a 1 and we'll fix your car." If you honestly need automotive repairs be prepared to hold the line if you dial that number, because they are always busy. You're better off going to the shop and waiting 12 hours to be told to come back tomorrow. Ask for Andrew. 


Injury: 8

CP: 25

EP: 16

Description: A pudgy man standing about 5'6" has a big stupid grin on his face most of the time. He has a tattooed neck.

Personality: He is extraordinarily passive and rarely speaks, let alone speaks his mind.

History: spent his days under the hood of his father's car as a young boy, quit school and started his own business. 

Motivation: The smell of petrol and money. 

Voice: Sensual and smooth.

Poindexter's IT Service 

All businesses and individuals need technology support. There will always be folks using technology and having trouble connecting their WiFi. Emma Caulfield can set you up. 

Emma Caulfield 

Injury: 5

CP: 6

EP: 8

Description: This woman wears geeky print t-shirts and often speaks down to customers. 

Personality: Cocky and sure of herself, she believes she is the best at what she does. 

History: She was born several months after her father was called into army service and was KIA. 

Motivation: To be admired by her peers. 

Voice: slow and pedantic. 

Salon on Main Street

If you're tired of being served by the average full-service hair salons and barbers, you might consider a more niche hair care business, like a blow-out bar or a salon that offers makeup, eyelashes and tanning. In addition to extraordinary hair services, Salon on Main Street offers a fully staffed custom tailor service for your one stop fashion convenience. Take your time deciding what to wear for that special night on the town while in the care of multiple award-winning tailor Johnathon. Yes, THE Johnathon. Be sure to ask for their "special services" available only to their most important clientele. 

THE Johnathon 

Injury: 6 with a glare, 12 with sheers. 

CP: 38

EP: 52

Description: They are the most beautiful looking figure you have ever seen in their early mid-life. They dress well wearing blue shirts, loose pants, and blazers most of the time. They wear a colorful flower in their golden hair. They wear tiny glasses perfectly fitted to their face.

Personality: They exude charisma. They are a tour de force of persuasion. As long as the job gets done he does not care how it got done. No. That's wrong. It always matter how the job gets done and it better get done their way. 

History: Trained by their mother for as long as they can remember they had it drilled into their head that it was their duty to look good. And by God, they are determined that anyone in their sites had likewise better look good. 

Motivation: self promotion, self righteousness, and self preservation. 

Voice: high-pitched and dramatic. 

2nd Street Grocers 

In agricultural areas, farmers market-style stores that carry local produce and seasonal goods are usually popular with both locals and tourists. A town that already has a major chain grocery store, but few available options for organic, local, gluten-free or vegan choices, is a great candidate for a specialty food store, like the 2nd Street Grocers. And if you need anything special, ask for Oscar. 


Injury: 4

CP: 5

EP: 10

Description: He likes to wear tan tank tops with green pants. His hair is brown and curly.

Personality: In the realm of puns, he cannot help himself. He feels obliged to make them. He has all his life been fascinated with dancing.

History: Born to a poor family in the city he treasured whatever gifts he got. He has never given up on his dancing dream.

Motivation: To share knowledge with the world; and marry his sister off. 

Voice: Sounds elderly.

Lucky's Bar & Grill

This is by no means the biggest bar in Patriot Springs, nor is it the cleanest. In fact Lucky has been cited for numerous health code violations, despite doing his best to keep the place halfway presentable. Thing is, anyone who is anyone in Patriot Springs stops in and stays a while. A long while. There are customers who haven't gone home in two decades. Maybe it's the location. The bar itself is situated smack dab in the center of Downtown. Folks leaving work at the end of the day on their way to parking garages find it too tempting not to step in. And on the weekends it seems the bar never closes. 

Since all this ruckus started with monsters invading from outer space and the bottomless pit of Hell, Lucky's has proven a safe haven for anyone seeking refuge from the gossip. And it just so happens that Lucky knows a monster hunter or two. 


Injury:. 1

CP: 4

EP: 10

Description: a large happy man with a full grey beard, tattoos up and down his arms. He's friendly and familiar with all his customers, and easy to talk to. 

Personality: Calm and collected, he is a well trained listener and quite the politician if he needs to be. 

History: He was an apprentice working in his father's bar. He inherited the family business which he has now maintained for 10 years.

Motivation: Seeks redemption; and he feels that his past leaves him morally obligated to help.

Voice: steady, and lively. 

News Channel 13 WPIS 

The leading news channel featuring Field Reporter Lisa Donavon. 

Lisa Donavon

Injury: 3

CP: 5

EP: 10

Description: She is a physically imposing dark-skinned woman. Her hair is lengthy and is close to two feet long. Her face possesses mild wrinkles. Her smile is extraordinarily sincere though she doesn't smile often.

Personality: She swings through moods quickly. One moment she is cool and collected, the next she is carried away by passions. She never wears the same outfit twice, unless she absolutely has to.

History: she spent a lot of time modeling and in communications. 

Motivation: She desires power and celebrity on the national level, and a need for knowledge about how to get it. 

Voice: professional bravado. 

What Else? 

There are any number of services your players may, and probably will, ask for. Now that you've seen the above NPCs you will know how to respond. Most assuredly you will be making it up on the spot. Below are a few you can prepare for in anticipation which may be of interest. 

Gas Station


Drug Store 

Antique Mall 

Thrift Store

Fitness Gym

Entertainment Venue

Sports/ Concert Arena

Ice Cream Shop 

Laundry/Dry Cleaner 

Jewelry Store




Floral Shop 


Real Estate Agency

Tattoo and Piercing Shop

Veterinary Shop

Food Truck


Undisclosed Brothel 

In short, anything you can find in a modern day city you should expect your players to ask about. This book provides only a few. How you and your players build Patriot Springs will be done in-game. 

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