Welcome to Patriot Springs

The city of Patriot Springs (specifically Arlington County) is a curious place where all are welcome. Really. There are story elements of traditional fantasy, science-fiction, horror, and just about everything else you could want in a Role Playing Game. Except magic. Did we not mention that? Yeah, there's no magic in this game. And no Bavarian Polka. We're looking at you, Weird Al.

Oh, but wait. How cool would it be if Weird Al hosted an RPG game night as the Game Master? 


You play a Monster Hunter and it's a good thing, because monsters are roaming everywhere and good people are in desperate need of your services. And we mean desperate. The kind of desperate that makes you want to binge watch the worst shows on Netflix and say, "It's not so bad." Oh, but it's bad. And you just lied because it's easier to stay home in bed than it is to face your friends and make excuses for that terrible smell; that foul death-like odor they all know is coming from you. But what can you do about it? Shower? Yeah, right. Like showering ever solved the world's problems with starving cows being murdered for their milk. You're heartless. Don't look at me. 

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