
Showing posts from February, 2023

The Adventures

Palace of the Amazon Queen

Palace of the Amazon Queen -- A1

Levels: 1-3 Objective: Rescue the mayor's daughter Location: Queen Hippolyta's Palace Time Limit: Before morning Villain: Queen Hippolyta Part 1 Players start by meeting at Lucky's Bar & Grill, a well-known establishment in the heart of Downtown. Unless otherwise noted by a player their characters are all residents of Patriot Springs, so they are familiar with their surroundings.  Lucky's is lively and full of patrons coming and going, everyone talking about the recent news of monsters invading Patriot Springs, trying to understand what the heck is going on.  The bar is owned and operated by "Lucky", a large happy man with a full grey beard and tattoos up and down his arms. He's familiar with all his patrons and is especially friendly with our players.  Lucky Injury: +1 CP: 4 EP: 10 On a small stage a three piece band plays music to help lift everyone's spirits.   As our players and their characters are getting to know one another there's a lou...

NPCs & Downtown Patriot Springs

  You will notice that some of the following NPCs are unlikely to be encountered unless players find themselves way off course from the ongoing storyline. Or maybe you'll find a way to fit one or two of them into an adventure of your own creation. It's entirely possible that all of them could hang out after hours at Lucky's Bar & Grill. What mischief they get up to there is in your hands.  Every RPG must have a setting. Our setting is the grand ol' city of Patriot Springs, founded in 1776 by pioneers traveling from the original 13 Colonies, where the atmosphere following the American Revolution was rather hostile to colonists loyal to the Crown. It's a lovely patriotic city now whose primary exports are firearms and tobacco. There's a huge festival every Spring known as The Gathering of the Gubernatorial Gooseberries. It's tremendous. Just fantastic. The best gooseberries in the nation. You ask anyone and they'll tell you. Just topnotch quality. The...

Underground Exchange Rate

The Underground Twilight Long ago, like maybe 2000 (not two-thousand years ago, but the year 2000), there were these monster hunters known as Smith & Wesson who told their life-story to some no-name Hollywood writer. They expected a big movie starring the biggest stars at the time. Instead they got boned.  The no-name writer changed all the names and locations Smith & Wesson mentioned and went on to turn their life-story into a successful TV series about the supernatural. They tried filing a suit, or at least wanted to, but every lawyer they approached laughed them out of their office.  Unfortunately Smith & Wesson didn't live long enough to see vindication when monsters started invading in great numbers. By the time real monsters became public knowledge the hunters passed away, having been run off the road in their Impala by an angry werewolf.  Point is there is an underground network of monster hunters across the United States known as the Underground Twilig...