Maps Experienced RPG players will have noticed a lack of maps in this game. The modern-day world is filled with GPS and a variety of ways of getting around. That's true. GPS will help you get around when traveling, but it's deficient in floorplans. Yes, there are online sources for finding floorplans and players can always go downtown and pay for the floorplans of a public building. In which case the GM will need to either provide a floorplan or give an excuse as to why they can't have it. Point is, don't rely on maps. No, they are not prohibited, but isn't it more fun that the players enter a building not knowing its layout? Other Deficiencies Coming from other TTRPGs you may find some aspects of this game deficient. In some ways that is true. There are no tables for equipment, weapons, transportation, treasures, or simple basic needs. However, it isn't so difficult to provide a player certain items and services through roleplay off the top of your head. This i...