
Showing posts from April, 2023

Optional NPCs and Settings

THE CITY OF PATRIOT SPRINGS You will notice that some of these NPCs are unlikely to be encountered unless players find themselves way off course from the ongoing storyline. Or maybe you'll find a way to fit one or two of them into an adventure of your own creation. It's entirely possible that all of them could hang out after hours at Lucky's Bar & Grill. What mischief they get up to there is in your hands.  Every RPG must have a setting. Our setting is the grand ol' city of Patriot Springs, founded in 1776 by pioneers traveling from the original 13 Colonies, where the atmosphere following the American Revolution was rather hostile to colonists loyal to the Crown. It's a lovely patriotic city now whose primary exports are firearms and tobacco. There's a huge festival every Spring known as The Gathering of the Gubernatorial Gooseberries. It's tremendous. Just fantastic. The best gooseberries in the nation. You ask anyone and they'll tell you. Just topn...

Return to Collect Bounty Exchange

  Hopefully your players not only survived the battle, but they were able to kill the monster. Now all they have to do is cut off its head (or collect some other piece of evidence) and return to the local Underground Twilight outpost and exchange it for cash. At this point you will need to award your players with the Encounter Points they've earned (if you haven't been doing that along the way).  Underground Exchange Rate Monster Hunters can easily find an outpost in Patriot Springs to either exchange heads (or other evidence of a monster kill) for money. They can also take on a bounty case or in some other way find employment. Depending on the outpost and recent activity the exchange rate may vary. Prices will fluctuate and hunters may haggle.  Head                      Exchange Rate  Zombie.                     $100 2-5.            ...