Monsters -- Levels 8-10

Okay, now the monsters are about to get a lot more interesting. With some of these monsters it may seem impossible to kill them. Well, that is the point. They are legends for a reason. Overcoming them will be a challenge. Try not to take them on solo and you may do alright. Leprechaun He's cute. He's tiny. He wears a lot of green, but he does not want to keep you from stealing his lucky charms. He's looking for the gold he claims is his and his alone. And if he finds you anywhere near it, you're in for a world of vicious violence. Lots of folks have claimed they captured a Leprechaun for the three wishes he has the power to grant. But trust us; do not go looking for this little guy. Injury: +12 CP: 38 EP: 300 Special Evade Capture: When a Leprechaun feels threatened they have an advantage of +4 to Escape. Three Wishes: If a Leprechaun is captured they will bargain three wishes for their lives. But the wishes will manifest negatively for the captors. If a wish can be ...